Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Technological Age

November 2010 started a new era in my life.  The era of the Smartphone.  I never realized how wonderful this device would be as a writer.  Pre-Smartphone I checked my email about once a day.  Because of that I wasn't always reachable by my writing partner which would bog down momentum.  And don't even get me started on query time.  The minute I'd walk in the front door with the kids I'd drop everything on the steps, rush to the computer, and wait an endlessly long 5 minutes while it booted up, my teeth practically drawing blood from my lower lip.  This was the routine day in and day out for 2 years.  And blogging was even tougher.  I wouldn't get comments until the evening unless I snuck a peek at work.  But now everything's changed.  I feel like I have the whole world at my fingertips.  I can Twitter, Facebook, email, blog, and surf at any given time.  (By the way, can you imagine what someone from the 50's would think if you spewed those terms at them?)  Owning a Smartphone has made it much easier to be a networked writer.  And my family is now very grateful I'm not tripping over them as I stumble up the stairs. 

So have you made the upgrade to a Smartphone?  If so, how has it helped you with your writing?  Do you use the calendar feature to schedule out self-imposed due dates?  Are there any useful apps you'd like to share (Droid or otherwise)? 

Also, I apologize if my blog post from yesterday offended anyone.  Call it naivete on my part or maybe it's just my kids who become zombified when a movie's popped in..  :)  Regardless, I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings.  I know motherhood is a full-time job.         


  1. Oh, you didn't offend anyone at all. I used to think the same thing. Its easy to do.

    I purchased my smart phone in December. I'm still kind of new to it, but I hate using it to surf the web and even comment on blogs. It has a rather large screen and its a droid of some sort. Very nice but it takes forever to load anything. I have Verizon and some 3g something or other. I thought it would be so cool but by the time it loads something, I'm bored to tears. Gah!

  2. How do you not know the name of your phone? LOL I agree the 3G network is slow, but I find it doesn't impact how fast I get my email. Do you have your gmail app set up? I think that's what I love most about it; email on the go. There's also a free Kindle app. Depending on which Droid you have, it might not be that bad reading. The Droid X is practically the size of a book!

  3. I do to know the name of my phone. I call it stupid. But it's real name is an LG Ally. Its not the greatest in the world I'm sure. I couldn't imagine reading a book on it. The screens okay but I'd go blind even with the magnifying and all the scrolling. Gives me vertigo. I saw the Droid X. Jeeze, where are you supposed to carry that thing?

  4. That's what I have! In fact I'm responding to your comment on it right now. ;) I'm sorry you're having trouble with yours. If you need any help getting something set up, just let me know! Even the gtalk app is awesome because you don't have to waste your texts.
