Monday, March 14, 2011

Who Is Your Support System?

Throughout the blogosphere I see undeniable support in the writing community.  Between the "Keep your chin up" comments to the "Go, writer, go!" comments, writers look out for other writers.  But what about at home?  I'm curious to know what kind of support system each of you receive from family, friends, children, etc.  I can tell you in my house, my husband has zero interest - doesn't care as long as I'm not hogging the computer too long.  My children complain because I'm ignoring them.  And my mother is my worst critic.  Because of this, I don't let her read anything I write. 

I've read some blogs where husbands actually read drafts for their wives.  Which do you think is better?  A husband who's standoffish or one who's supportive?  Obviously, you may be upset that your spouse doesn't share your passion for writing, but then again we all know what it's like to get a bad critique and want to go hide under our covers and never come out - imagine living with that person!  If you don't have support at home, do you belong to a writing group?  How does that work for you?  Or do you rely solely on virtual writers for your support?


  1. Well let's see, I have you. And I have a wonderful couple of friends who have now moved out of state and that's not because of my writing. But at home, no one reads my stuff. My husband has no interest in reading anything though, so I can't get too mad about it. My daughters boyfriend reads my blog. Hows that for sucking up, but other than that, I have nobody except my online buddies. It took me about a year to be okay with that. To each their own ya know.

    Oh BTW, my mother didn't want to strangle me, she wanted to strangle her grandchildren for downloading all that crap on her computer. My daughter is now in protective custody and the other one is under a gag order. I think we're just gonna stay clear of Nana's house for awhile.

  2. Aw! You're so sweet. :) You make a good point about your husband not reading any books too. Mine only reads motorcycle and video game magazines and smartphone articles - never a book though. I guess I shouldn't be all that upset, but it would be nice to have someone to share this publishing journey with in my own home. Very funny about the boyfriend. My husband's girl "friends" read my mommy blog too.

  3. Oh BTW. I totally downloaded the Kindle app on my phone. I didn't want to leave the docs office this morning. I was reading a sample of Amanda Hockings ebook. Whoa! Reading on the phone wasn't bad at all. I'm all jacked up. I may be perpetually sitting in waiting rooms every day without an appointment. It could happen.

  4. Awesome! Go you and your techie self! ;)

  5. Oh, I am an unstoppable Gu Ru now. Why do I feel like you were just making fun of me? Wrong with a capital W. Pouts, puts phone in case, and stalks out of doctors office;)

  6. question to you, TC, is why are you still in the doctor's office two days later? LOL. (I couldn't help myself) :)
