Thursday, June 9, 2011

Writing on the Go (a.k.a. The Pocketbook Post)

You know how when you go to a craft show you tend to buy things you wouldn't normally buy? The item just seems to stand out amongst the rest of the booths and you just HAVE to have it? This happened to me last summer and I begged my mom to buy it for me. (Yes, I still mooch off my mother.) The item was a $35 pocketbook. Now, I know pocketbooks can go for like $300 and some of you may buy them at that price. Me though? I usually buy $15 pocketbooks from Wal-Mart. So I left the craft fair with this purchase I just had to have and it's sat in my closet for an entire year. It seemed to lose it's glimmer and glow when I got it home. Hey, it happens.

Yesterday, the pocketbook made it's the hospital. My husband went in for knee surgery and I had all that waiting time I didn't want to waste when I could be writing. I looked at my netbook and I had a hunch. Would it fit in my had-to-have pocketbook?

Yes, that is an actual pair of jeans shaped into a pocketbook. And what do you know, it fit like perfectly!

And what was even cooler was when I set up my netbook on my lap, the pocketbook base offered a backrest of sorts so it didn't slip down.

If you're interested in getting your own netbook pocketbook, I've included a picture of the tag below. I know she does a lot of sports themed ones, and I think you can special order too. I assure you, with this dangling from your arm, you are bound to get a lot of doubletakes. ;)



  1. Aww, cute! My netbook is blue. I sometimes wish it was pink, hehe. I know how you feel about NEEDING things at craft shows. The last one I bought was a necklace that is still one of my favorites. :)

  2. Ha! My husband wishes ours was blue! :)

  3. How Cool. I've never seen a pocketbook like that. Hope your hubby is feeling better. Knee surgery would not be a good time, I'm sure.

  4. Thanks, Tam. He's doing better but he won't stay off his feet! He keeps going to stores then wonders why his knee is killing him at night. Duh.
