Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Stop and Smell the Roses

I just finished reading Cinders from the wonderful writer, Michelle Davidson Argyle. The natural beauty she portrays with her prose and description had me thinking about my own description, or lack thereof. I find myself to be an impatient writer. Just a few days ago I complained that my story was moving too quickly. Part of this is because I'm not stopping to smell the roses. I want action after action after action, but in the process I'm losing the description, and thus losing the reader. If a reader can't hear, smell, taste, feel and see what the main character does, they'll never be able to connect to the story.

I thought a little deeper as to why I'm like this with my writing. Simply put, it's how I am in life. I'm an introvert who's bent on efficiency. When I send emails or make phone calls I don't dawdle with small talk. I don't ask "How are you?" or say, "Wonderful weather we're having." If I have something to say, I say it. If I have nothing to say, I don't. Small talk is not one of strongpoints, nor is it something I find necessary in my life. Thankfully, my family and friends know this about me and accept it. Strangers not so well. But to get to the point, my writing suffers because of it. I don't stop to smell the roses. I get right to the point, forgetting that readers aren't "mind readers." Just because I'm imagining tension between characters with full-on clenched jaws and balled up fists doesn't mean it's going to translate on paper. Dialogue can't do it alone. You need to paint a clear picture.

Michelle does this in Cinders. She's the kind of writer I strive to be like. Although unlike her, my analogies come out cliche and corny (even my blog title is cliche!) But I guess practice makes perfect and read, read, read!

Is there a writer you strive to be like? Or an area of your writing you wish you could improve upon?

1 comment:

  1. I want to hold this post and wrap it up with a shiny bow and keep it on my special shelf. Like, seriously, this has made my day, week, month, whatever.

    I have a lot of writers I strive to be like. I want to do a lot with my writing, too, that I haven't been able to reach yet. Good thing I plan to keep writing for a long time! :)
